Friday, January 26, 2018
Shree Chakra

Title: Shree Chakra

This is a really special painting that I've been working on last few days.  Whats special is, I was reciting the gayatri manthra while painting this as I wanted to paint the Shree Chakra on it. So it has a very spiritualistic element to it. The Shree Chakra is said to represent the infinite power of the Goddess; it is the geometric form of the Goddess Herself. 

The idea has been flashing in my head for sometime and I finally got it done. Drawing the Chakra took really long as i couldn't see what i was drawing and this is a very complicated pattern of triangles. I actually missed out one and had to redraw it. (so yes if u see it, i know its there). 

The chakra is formed by superimposition of 5 downward triangles and 4 upright triangles; a combination of female and male principles. The downward triangles represent female or Shakti, and the upright triangles represent male or Shiva. 

All 9 interlocking triangles lead to a creation of 43 smaller triangles; each one of these represents a deity associated with a certain aspect of the existence. 

Devi in her human and yantra form. 

Size: 24 x 31 in


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